& gt; Mineraalkiugahendid lõigatakse mineraalkiu kummilehtedest & gt; Sobib kasutamiseks õlikindlate ühenduskandjatena soojusvahetite ja mootori tihendamiseks
Asbestkummist tihend
Hoiatusasbestiga seotud materjalide kohta: Asbesti kasutati mitu erinevat toodet minevikusselle isolatsiooni ja
tulekindlad. Asbesti terviseriskid ilmnesid, kuna inimesed hakkasid seda mitmel tõsisel põhjusel teatama
haigused. Valitsusnõuab, et kõik tooted, missisaldavad asbesti, oleksid märgistatud ja kasutatavad harva.Tunnustamine
asbesti sisaldavate toodete, nagu tihendid, kasutamine on oluline samm nende asendamiseksasbestiga mitteseotud alternatiividega.
Kirjeldus: Kõrge kvaliteediga asbestkiududest, looduslikust kautšukist, täiteainetest, värvainetest ja rafineeritud materjalidest. Laialdaselt kasutatav tööstusvaldkondades
isa economy sealing tihendmaterial, according to working conditionschoosed the appropriate level of model, Asbestosgaskets
saabbe used for most medium usingsapplications. Thiskind of tihendsaabalso be used for high pressures. Sometimes, we could
sisestasome reinforced material. Such asgraphie, metal wire, tanged sheet.
Also this asbestostihendcompressd with rubber material to be sheets. The sealing property isalso based on the rubber material.
NBR - suitable for oils, gas, mild chemicalsand water
SBR - suitable for saturated Steam, mild chemicalsinert gasand water
Neopreen- suitable for saturated steam, refrigerants, oils, fuels, mild acidsand alkaliesand water.
EPDM - suitable for saturated steam, mild chemicalsand water
Different grade of asbestosgasketsincluded:
Madal rõhkAsbestosGasket(KXT-1500): It ismade from white chrysotile fibre.It issuitable for the sealing condition of most low
temperature and low pressure.It isused to seal steam,water power,gasplant,õliand other neutral medium.
Keskmine surveAsbestosGasket(KXT-1510): It isused to seal steam, water power, gasplant,õliand other neutral medium.
KõrgsurveAsbestosGasket(KXT-1520): It isused to seal steam, water power,gasplant, õliand other neutral medium.
NaftaproovAsbestosGasket(KXT-1530):It isused to seal steam, water power, gasplant, õliand other neutral medium.
Application of Asbestkummist tihend: It isused in flange or equipment in the chemical plant, electric power plant, paper
tehas õlirefining, pharmaceutical tehas food industry, mechanical manufacturing, ect.
Peamine tooteliik:
Objekti nr |
KXT-1500 |
KXT-1510 |
KXT-1520 |
KXT-1530 |
Rõhk |
2,0 MPa |
3,0MPa |
4 MPa |
4,5 MPa |
Temperatuur |
200 ℃ |
300 ℃ |
400 ℃ |
450 ℃ |
CrossTensile Strength |
5,0 MPa |
9,0MPa |
14MPa |
18MPa |
Suurus |
OD=<1500mm(special size saabbe made asrequest) |
Proteerivad juhendid:
1 Put on protective clothing and breathing equipment to avoid unnecessary contact with asbestos. Wet the area sedacontains, or is
uskusinsisaldama asbesti. Thiswill help to prevent the asbestosfibresfrom becoming airborne.
2 Locate the area of the tihendand note the colour. Gasketssedacontain asbestosare coloured white, black or dark grey. The
tihendwill also have a fibroustexture to it. If you are looking for a tihendin a machine or appliance, do not rely on the manufactured date
sedaisprinted on it, asit may have had maintenance or service
work where the tihendwaschanged.
3 Replace the tihendwith a non-asbestosone. These kindsof gasketsare blue, green or metallic in colour.
4 Take care to collect and properly dispose of asbestoswaste, debrisand equipment used around the asbestos, and any clothing
sedayou wore while in contact with asbestosfibres. Double-bag any waste in distinctly coloured containersfor quick identification.